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Please pay your dues through PSA UK, Account 80708127, Sort 20 98 57

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You will continue to enjoy the many benefits of PSA UK membership.


Our yearly dues are a total of £120. However, you can pay in different ways depending on what is more convenient for you.

New registration – (£15) + monthly fee (£10) = £25

Following on;

  • Monthly fee payment method £10

  • Quarterly fee payment method (January, April, July, October) £40.00

  • Half yearly payment method (January and July) £60.00

  • Yearly fee payment method (January) £120.00



If you have questions at any time, please feel free to contact us via the following means:


Thank you for your continued membership and support of the Plateau State Association UK (PSA UK ).

We can’t do it without you!  Best wishes for success in 2020!

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